
Approach to Teaching Computing at St Margaret's

Please click on the link to see up to date information on how we teach Computing at St Margaret's.

Computing Long Term Plan 2022/23

Please click on the link below to access our Computing progression in skills document:

How to BECOME a Digital Citizen

External Link Icon The National Curriculum KS1 and KS2 Computing Programme

National Online Safety

We are delighted to announce that we have partnered with the multi-award winning organisation 'National Online Safety' to enable us to implement an effective whole-school approach to online safety.  In addition to providing teaching materials for children and teachers, the organisation has comprehensive resources for families to enable them to keep children safe online whilst at home.  Clicking on the link attached will enable you to set up an account linked to St Margaret's.

See this link for a letter sent to families by our computing lead Mrs Van Houplines on 8th February 2022. 

Computing Learning Resources

Please use the links below to access our learning resources for Computing.


KS1 Computing Resources


KS2 Computing Resources